Guild Wars 2 free trial event begins today

Guild Wars 2 Image

The weekend-long free trial event for Guild Wars 2 is set to begin today, giving gamers a chance to explore Tyria just in time for the Lost Shores update.

So how does this trial work? Well, first you need a friend who has already purchased the game. That friend will then be able to invite up to three people to join a free trial period which runs from November 15-18, which just so happens to be the same timing of the one-time only The Lost Shores event.

ArenaNet does warn that trial keys are limited, so your friends may want to send the invite out early. To do so just log into your Guild Wars 2 Account and click on the "Invite a Friend" button. The trial official begins at 9:00am Pacific (6:00 PM CET) today.

Via: Guild Wars 2 free trial event begins today